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Thursday, April 15, 2010

New World Order

First: I am not a conspiracy theorist. I don't care if the government's out to get me, or if aliens exist, or 2012, or any of that shit because honestly, obviously, theres no point in worrying about it. Conspiracies really don't help anyone. I am a reformist, and this blog is probably the best way to make my ideas heard (I'm not putting this on Facebook).

Starting with this post, I am setting out to design a New World Order. I don't know if any wayward politicians are going to read this, and this idea might not even gain any significant attention. I'll do it anyway. There are many reasons our system is in need of reform, but I have three in mind that I may or may not elaborate upon.

1) Our consumerist, free-market economy is bound for failure. It perpetuates the underclass and runs on money and greed. It only benefits the upper class.
2) The system, however it may seem, is NOT based on equality; the rich people own everything, and the poor have nothing, and it's designed to stay that way.
3) The party-system is bullshit and is designed for Republicans, who definitely don't want to hear what I'm saying here, so ignore them.
4) Can I get a what, what?

Sidenote: anyone who wants to help me out with this, please do so in the comments section. Ramblers, put your ideas in posts. Anyone who wants to argue should also do so because that's pretty helpful too.

Another Sidenote: This is not going to dominate my blog. I'll still post cool and random stuff from the internet, but I want to contribute to this at least once per week

I'll start out by saying, I'm not a fan of capitalism. It's an ego-centric (that means self-centered) survival-of-the-fittest-style bloodsport that caters to the upper class. It runs on money, which we all know is bad, but no-one wants to do anything about it, because we all kinda like money, and no matter how little we have, we're willing to accept its power over us. There are good, smart people stuck on the bottom because they don't have the money to make opportunities for themselves, and they're going to give birth to a new generation of good, smart people who will still be stuck on the bottom because their parents can't afford to give them opportunities. Meanwhile, we have some good, smart people at the top, but they stand irrelevant against all the retarded assholes at the top who are only there because they had the money to afford themselves opportunities.

That's point 1: an issue with the school system. We need a school system that finds these good, smart people, be they poor or rich, and capitalize on what they're good at so they can make it to the top, where they belong. Fuck this "no child left behind" bullshit. All that is doing is helping the unqualified, lazy folk make it into the working world. Their education should have ended at elementary school, because everything afterwards was obviously pretty unnecessary. Why should a mine-worker have to take courses in history, economics, chemistry, whateverelse? He shouldn't have to. Reform education. We're wasting resources on stupid people.

Now, back to these people with money. Most of them are Republican. Why? because of point 2: trickle-down economics, a concept that makes absolutely no sense. The idea behind trickle-down is to give the rich special tax cuts, in the hope that they'll use their ridiculously huge paychecks to help out the poor and needy. This is bullshit, because most of the rich folk want to keep that money. Why? because they earned it. Why should their hard-earned money be spent helping out those filthy, lazy plebes? My sentiments: Why should an architect be paid more than the folks that make the building? In all seriousness, they work harder than he does, they just don't have the same level of education, because they didn't have access to those opportunities. Because they're poor. point 3: people should be taxed in proportion to their salary. I'm talking to the low-class here. The only reason this system is in place is because the Republican party has dominated the government for the past century. They have done because they, for the most part, are the only people that vote, because they want to keep their money. You can name all the reasons you want, but this is the main one. The reason republicans usually dominate the polls is because they care more, because they have more to lose. If you're Republican and you believe in equality, you're in the wrong party.

That's what this whole Healthcare debate was over. Rich conservatives are happy with their healthcare plans, because they can afford them. While tens of thousands die each year because they can't afford health coverage, Tea-Partiers are bitching about contributing tiny fractions of their paycheck to assist those weak, lazy plebes. Of course the healthcare providers aren't going to help, because all they want is money. Preexisting conditions are bad for business. If you can't afford their service, you might as well just shoot yourself, or hope you make it through life without experiencing some life-threatening injury or illness, cause then they get the satisfaction of watching you die, begging for help. That's your free-market economy there. Point 4: Corporations run the show, and they don't care about you. They want money. That's the point of a corporation, after all: making money. And the guy running the corporation doesn't really do anything fancy, or important, or skill-related in any way. He just makes the money (with special tax cuts on top), and keeps it in a bank somewhere so he can spend it on a nice Ferrari some day. How is that supposed to help the poor? It's not.
So, what's the alternative to capitalism? I'll explain l8r.

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