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Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Aaaaaand we're back!

So it's been a lengthy hiatus and sure you've all missed us dearly. I dropped regular correspondences with my beloved blog shortly after dropping out of 5 years ago. I've recently come to the realization that I do need a place to store my crazy thoughts, and conveniently, this was here.

My beliefs and thought processes have changed drastically since my last post, so please do your best to ignore all that other stuff that came before this. It will remain here as a testament to where this blog began, but I'm hoping to make future posts more coherent, thoughtful and relevant to the world in general.

To anyone interested, I'm a big fan of nature, photography, and photography of nature and I have an instagram @shakesupreme. Don't ask where I got that handle.

I'm a part-time short-story writer, bagpipe player, and a world-traveler. I'm a history freak, conspiracy-realist, and a reality theorist.

This blog is dedicated to the post-worthy moments in my life, and all content will henceforth be original, unless I spot something awesome on the net that's really worth expounding on.

Here's to our rebirth and the awesome fulfilling life story yet to be written. See you on the feed!

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