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Wednesday, July 14, 2010


1000 HITS

To the faithful viewers:

Friends, comrades, compatriots; The moment is upon us. Rejoice, for we are victorious. The paltry remnants of our fallen foe lies scattered and broken before us, and a new light graces our once barren path. Let those who once doubted us know this: the Rambling Soul of the Internet cannot be silenced. We have met our goals with the flying colours of utter success, righteously delivering a flying Spartan kick upon its face to leave it broken, bleeding, begging for mercy, writhing on the very ground that it may once have considered its own. Let it be known that the Rambling Soul has breached the 1000 mark. Let it be known that we will continue to progress, and will continue to spread the joy of the internet to its thriving masses. Let it be known that fortune smiles upon us, and will continue to do so lest we should wither and die in a conflagration of epic glory; for even in death, we've got style. There can be no doubt.

1000 hits is kind of a big of a deal.
--Scotty Bartlett-->

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