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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

SB's top 10 digital artists

Now I don't want to confuse anyone, or impose any concepts of my total lack of originality, but I definitely had this idea before RollaDutch. Mine is better. No hard feelings RD, but it's true. Here they are:

10. Jason Chan
Even his World of Warcraft artwork is awesome. He draws a lot of fantasy stuff, but regardless of subject matter I'm always compelled to stare for a long, long time.

For epic landscapes, battlescenes, and robots.

not to mention poignancy

8. Adonhis
For some of the coolest action scenes I've ever seen.

This one makes me wish WWZ was here already.

7. Artgerm
Makes some very smooth artwork, usually anime-related...

This one's pretty famous on the net.

6. Kerembeyit
For making scenes that always manage to find their way into my nightmares...

...Through sheer epicry is that a word? IT IS NOW

5. Michael Dashow
Very cartoonish style. I like how every picture tells a story

Can totally make a scene that looks like it came straight out of hell. Always puts a person as the subject for some awesome scenes, which irks me.

3. Tarrzan
For the ability to put together a surreal and awe-inspiring landscape/monster painting

2. Bobby Chiu
So cute, yet so terrifying...

1. Radojavor
My personal favorite, and my main source of inspiration in my art (however inferior it may be). Epic battles, Warhammer 40k, Halloween, the American Revolution, and old-school warfare in general. Nobody does it like this guy. You be the judge. See the links.

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